Sunday, July 26, 2009

Analysis blog post

I am not really sure that I understand what this assignment is asking for, so I will just do my best. I read the article on bipolar disorder in teens. The stuff they were saying about the signs of bipolar disorder were compelling to me. My son shows a few of these symptoms. Actually 3. My daughter shows some symptoms of a depressive episode. Knowing these things makes me more apt to watch out for side effects so to speak. Substance abuse, ADHD, and depression.

It is good to know that there are therapies and medications out there that can help children with these disorders. It is important to be patient and understanding when dealing with children with bipolar disorder and depressive disorders. It is also important to be understanding. These things are good to know if you are a parent or case worker or nurse or anyone who has dealings with these children.

I hope this is what you were looking for. If not, just let me know.


  1. Hi Amy,

    This assignment was for you to post the responses to the following statements in your blog:

    1) LIST at least four interesting ideas, techniques, strategies, and tactics from this learning session

    2) DESCRIBE possible applications to your own work or life role.

    Do you feel that you answered the statements in your post? You can edit your post. Go back in and make a few adjustments to hit all the elements of the assignments.


  2. I feel that I related the applications to my own life, but I don't think I answered the first question as best I could. I am still having trouble with it though, so I will keep thinking and hopefully be able to get back to you.
